Sunday, 22 June 2014

Mollie Meets a Kitten

Mollie, like a lot of other dogs, is a one-dog neighbourhood watch. We have an ideal window ledge for her to hop up on, watch the world go by, sleep in the sun, and bark her head off at anything and anyone she deems to be a threat. This includes little old ladies and small children on bikes most of the time, but in Mollie's eyes these potential threats must be warned that her house will not tolerate any shenanigans from these rogues of society. 

"I see you Ethel. You're not fooling anyone. Just keep walking."

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Bad Photoshoppery

It all started with an awesome picture.

Don't be fooled, her playing fetch is a RARE occasion

And then I opened photoshop!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Mollie Gets Her Duck

RIGHT. Hello again,  I believe it’s time to kick start this blog into motion again as I have too much material to leave it be, so let’s not waste time and get straight in with a belter from this last summer. I mean, a REAL belter. You’re not gonna wanna miss this one, trust me. Skip to the fourth paragraph if you just want to get straight to the action, because I HOWLED when I heard this one.

"Not right now, there's a blog post to be read!"

Sunday, 12 May 2013

The Lake

That. Bloody. Lake.

This post could also be renamed to "Why We Don't Walk Mollie Around That One Side of the Park."

Triumph is a wet dog.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Habits - The Walk Ritual

Again, it's been a little while, so apologies to anyone who's been awaiting the next post. *exhales* Life, ya know?

It's EXHAUSTING, I tell ya!
Anyhoo, I wanted to make a little post about something that Mollie does that really tickles me. It's to do with her pre walk rituals, and her little quirks that have now become commonplace when she realises that a walk is on the cards.


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Video Evidence of Trolling

A quick post for those hungry for more trolling!

So, if you've read my post a waaaaays back about one of the most basic ways Mollie likes to troll (see: Mollie and the Newspaper Game), then you'll know all about her habits of stealing something she knows you have an attachment to, flaunting it in front of your face, and then running away and/or shaking it about and growling, all the while making sure that she remains close enough to ensure that you're in range to witness this spectacle.

Well, rely on your imagination no longer, because here is the video of Mollie playing the Newspaper Game with me. Watch out for her bashing into Bingo, before we both watch her run figures of eight in exasperation.

(Spoiler: I lose.)


Monday, 25 February 2013

Rabbit Hunting - Close, But No Cigar

Oops, so it's been a little while since I last posted! Apologies, you'll just have to believe me when I say it's because life gets in the way a little bit!

But! This blog is about Troll Springer Spaniels, not me, so let's not dwell on whether or not it's the increasing abundance of late-shifts at work which are eating up all my time or not - on with the blog!
Pictured: Impatience.